Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beautiful Kerala - I

On a recent trip to Muthanga, Kerala

Road To Muthanga (Wild Life Sanctuary), Kerala

Spotted some Deer, Muthanga, Kerala

Wild Elephants Besides A Milestone, Muthanga (Near Karnataka border), Kerala

Konnappoo (Indian Laburnum, Botanical name - Cassia Fistulla) ,is the state flower of Kerala

Stay-In-The-Green, Muthanga, Kerala

The Face of Muthanga

                                                                                                             Photo : Binish Sebastian

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Anand triumphed in a 12 match game against Topalov (6.5 - 5.5) in the World Chess Championship at Sofia. Congratulations Anandji!


Jairam Ramesh, though getting a gag order from none other than our PM, has done well to get praise from Chinese media. His views, though out of step with that of the government, did drive home a point - that of trust deficit. Many projects awarded to Chinese companies have been cancelled in the past. Now it concerns telecom technology providers Huawei. As the future economic giants India and China need to develop trust for stability and future growth.